Es común que cuando iniciamos en aprender inglés, entre las primeras cosas que se nos enseñan además del el abecedario en inglés, las partes del cuerpo o los pronombres personales, sea el verbo to be, el cual se traduce como “Ser o Estar”.
El verbo to be es uno de los más relevantes y es utilizado con frecuencia. Puede ser utilizado de diversas maneras dependiendo al contexto de la oración que se formule y como consecuencia a lo anterior, puede ser interpretado de formas distintas.
De hecho, las características del verbo to be se pueden ver con profundidad en nuestros cursos de inglés en Línea, de los cuales tú también puedes formar parte de ellos.
En el tiempo presente, el verbo to be tiene distintas formas de conjugación; siendo lo más complicado de aprender. De igual manera, este verbo puede ser utilizado como auxiliar; lo que ayuda a complementar el entendimiento de una frase establecida.
¿Cómo usar correctamente el verbo to be?
Conocer la manera correcta de utilizar el verbo to be es sumamente importante cuando nos encontramos aprendiendo el idioma; sobre todo, porque dependiendo a su utilización, una frase puede tener un significado u otro.
A continuación, te indicaremos la manera correcta de utilizar el verbo to be.
Verbo to be como verbo
Cuando el verbo to be es utilizado como verbo principal, denota una acción que incide directamente sobre el sujeto de la oración; esta acción se usa en cualquiera de los tiempos verbales.
- Presente: I am musician / Yo soy músico
- Pasado: I was musician / Yo era músico
- Futuro: I will be musician / Yo seré músico
Verbo to be como auxiliar
Cuando es utilizado como auxiliar, el verbo to be permite que se manifiesten acciones o estados que ocurren durante un lapso de tiempo.
Pasado: He was driving / Él estaba manejando
Presente: He is driving / Él está conduciendo
Futuro: he will be driving / Él conducirá
Como puedes notar aquí, el verbo puede ser un verbo o un auxiliar y dentro del universo que engloba los auxiliares en inglés, estos pueden tener diversas conjugaciones según su tiempo verbal, lo que hace que el significado y la acción del mismo cambie.
¿Cuál es la estructura del verbo to be?
En el tiempo presente, el verbo to be tiene tres formas fundamentales, que se dividen dependiendo al pronombre personal utilizado en la oración: AM para I (yo), ARE para YOU/WE/THEY (tu o ustedes, nosotros y ellos) y IS para HE/SHE/IT (él, ella o eso).
También, podemos encontrar la negación de la oración añadiéndole “not” luego del verbo to be; o realizar una pregunta moviendo las palabras de lugar, como veremos más adelante.
Conjugaciones del verbo to be
Ahora que ya conocemos un poco más derl verbo to be te hablaremos de las conjugaciones, o mejor dicho, te indicaremos la manera correcta de utilizar y conjugar el verbo to be, dependiendo al Tiempo Verbal (Presente, Pasado, Futuro y Condicional) y la Forma (Afirmación, Negación y Pregunta).
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I am I am not Am I?
- You are You are not Are you?
- He is He is not Is he?
- She is She is not Is she?
- It is It is not Is it?
- We are We are not Are we?
- They are They are not Are they?
Presente Perfecto
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I have been I have not been Have I been?
- You have been You have not been Have you been?
- He has been He has not been Has he been?
- She has been She has not been Has she been?
- It has been It has not been Has it been?
- We have been We have not been Have we been?
- They have been They have not been Have they been?
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I was I was not Was I?
- You were You were not Were you?
- He was He was not Was he?
- She was She was not Was she?
- It was It was not Was it?
- We were We were not Were we?
- They were They were not Were they?
Pasado Perfecto
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I had been I had not been Had I been?
- You had been You had not been Had you been?
- He had been He had not been Had he been?
- She had been She had not been Had she been?
- It had been It had not been Had it been?
- We had been We had not been Had we been?
- They had been They had not been Had they been?
Futuro Simple
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- Will be I will not be Will I be?
- You will be You will not be Will you be?
- He will be He will not be Will he be?
- She will be She will not be Will she be?
- It will be It will not be Will it be?
- We will be We will not be Will we be?
- They will be They will not be Will they be?
Futuro Perfecto
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I will have been I will not have been Will I have been?
- You will have been You will not have been Will you have been?
- He will have been He will not have been Will he have been?
- She will have been She will not have been Will she have been?
- It will have been It will not have been Will it have been?
- We will have been We will not have been Will we have been?
- They will have been They will not have been Will they have been?
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I would be I would not be Would I be?
- You would be You would not be Would you be?
- He would be He would not be Would he be?
- She would be She would not be Would she be?
- It would be It would not be Would it be?
- We would be We would not be Would we be?
- They would be They would not be Would they be?
Condicional perfecto
- Afirmación Negación Pregunta
- I would have been I would not have been Would I have been?
- You would have been You would not have been Would you have been?
- He would have been He would not have been Would he have been?
- She would have been She would not have been Would she have been?
- It would have been It would not have been Would it have been?
- We would have been We would not have been Would we have been?
- They would have been They would not have been Would they have been?
Quizá te pierdas un poco con estas últimas ejemplos en la forma correcta de conjugación, pero te prometemos que lo veremos más al fondo en nuestro próximo post sobre los tiempos verbales en inglés. Hasta la próxima.